There is no god, there are no angels, demons, heaven or hell. These are the facts: we live in a mechanical universe where SHIT HAPPENS, without the intervention of a Grand Designer or a Redeemer. All the "invisible spirit realm" is a grand lie cobbled upon other grand lies for the purpose of controlling you - yes, *sometimes* to your benefit - but always to the benefit of the "controlling class."
Why do I tell you this? Because I think you have a right to hear the TRUTH at least once before you die (and you WILL die, just as all life on earth dies, you know.) You can reject it, but it is is still true, and it will remain so with every tick-tock of time until the universe itself dies.
Prattle on about your spiritual experiences and how you are NOT (harrumph!) hallucinating when you hear the gentle voice of Your Lord telling you to "try the veal tonight and don't forget to tip 18 1/2%" because that's what HE would do. To put it plainly, my dear, you have a screw loose. Or argue about what year Babylon REALLY fell - it means NOTHING - see "mechanical universe" above.
Most of all, FOR THE LOVE OF TRUTH, please migrate AWAY from the HABIT of looking for "sacred signs" every September and October.
If shit happens - at WHATEVER time you pick - and sometimes shit DOES happen - it is not happening because your Jehova-Decoda-Ring revealed an ancient prophecy, it happens because shit happens. Unless YOU made it happen yourself, and very few XJWs make things happen because they are ADDICTED to "being served" by the FDS. It is SO pleasant to "be served" that they never ask if that is REAL *hit on the shingle, they just murmur "amen" and gobble it down.